6 March 2016

"You, go to Brighton. I would not trust you so near it as Eastbourne!" - mr. Bennet, Pride and Prejudice


Yes, I did go so near to Brighton as Eastbourne x) I highly recommend it by the way.

Warning: this is a picture heavy post.

So, Sunday 28th February I went to Eastbourne with a friend. In January we went to Rye and in February we went to Eastbourne. Both locations are an hour, an hour and a half max, away from London. Next trip we're planning would be to Basildon Park, but that probably won't happen until April unfortunately. Anyway, it's something to look forward to :)

Then, Eastbourne. Not so small town on the South coast of England, immediately East of the hightest chalk sea cliff in Great Britain. We didn't visit much of town as we really wanted to make it to Beachy Head and back before we had to go back to London.

It was quite the hike, let me tell you that. But the views were stunning. Just look at this view over Eastbourne. Ain't it pretty?

On the other side of the hill, we met with this view: Belle Tout lighthouse in the distance. We walked all the way ofter there! Yes we did.

The Belle Tout lighthouse was in service between 1834 and 1902. They closed the lighthouse down due to two flaws: bad visibility in foggy weather and bad visibility when the ships were too close to the cliff.

So that is why they build Beachy Head Lighthouse in the sea. Pretty impressive to see it in real life. I mean, the cliffs are so high, you just feel tiny.

So we walked all the way to the Belle Tout lighthouse along the cliffs of South England. It kind of felt we were walking on the edge of the earth. In Belgium, we don't have cliffs like that. There is no major cut off between land and sea. The sea just rolls onto the beach and beach transitions into towns. Whilst here you have a clear cut off and a fall of god knows how many meters.

The wind was so intense we were nearly blown away by it. Quite literally.

It's not a bad picture of you, it's just the way you look. - Sis

It was a pretty impressive hike I have to admit. My feet and back were killing me and I couldn't wait to get on the train and sleep. As it was a Sunday, no time to catch up on some sleep the next because yay, Monday.

My week started with two police officers knocking on my door at 6.45 in the morning looking for a guy who was last seen at the house. Always a nice start to your week, but of course that does mean that your week only can get better. I've had a lovely Skype call with my parents and drinks after work on Friday with the colleagues. I even went to see Pride and Prejudice and Zombies again. I know I know! But I really like the movie! Can't wait for the movie to come out on DVD. It'll be like Cinderella, something I've immediately purchased when it was released home ent. Star Wars: the Force Awakens is going to be the same ;) 

If you don't know what to do on a Saturday or Sunday or even a day off and you fancy a hike, but not too physically demanding: I highly recommend to make a trip to Beachy Head. I complained about my feet and back, but that is simply because my hiking boots are rather old :)

I'll be writing these sort of posts more frequently. I believe the Jurassic Coast and Basildon Park (confirmed) are on the agenda for destinations within easy distance from London. Peak District and Hadrian's wall are also on the to do list, but those are obviously a bit (quite a bit) further from London, so less likely to be done in one day...

Anyway, if you enjoy these kind of posts, keep an eye on here ;) I do hope they give you some inspiration to do the same! Tourist in your own country. Places you'd normally never visit because it's too close by :) As you can see, the views can be quite stunning sometimes ;)

Thanks for reading!
xo - Sara

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