31 May 2016

"Do you want to get a hotel room or something?", Nick Vaughan - Before We Go 'review'


Sooo, a little Monday post. A couple of weekends ago I saw the movie Before We Go and after the first 10minutes I just new this was a movie I was going to love. It's one of those not well known gems, like Elizabeth Town, Tamara Drew, Begin Again and Stuck in Love.

Before We Go

Director: Chris Evans
Cast: Chris Evan, Alice Eve,...
Lenght: 1h 35min
Genre: Comedy, drama, romance

Nick (Chris Evans) plays the trompet and is playing in Grand Central in New York one night. Around 1.30am a woman rushes past to catch the last train. Unfortunately for her she misses her train and Nick offers to help. That one night units two strangers in the most unique way.

It's Chris Evans' directorial debut and he did fine job. The script is fantastic and the characters incredibly likeable. The story builds up to some unexpected revelations and it makes you wonder whether they'll end up together or not. They truely hit some high and low points. You can't help but rooting for them. It's a proper romance, but not with your classis predictable ending. Evans brings it with such tenderness and care you belief it could actually happen to anyone. Well, not to me. I'm in bed by 10pm usually x)

It is a small story with the focus on only 2 characters. No CGI, no action sequences, no Sci Fi, etc. Just a story that takes place over a time span of 5 to 6 hours, from 1.30am til 7am, in New York City. The idea is very simple and very basic, yet the story goes deeper. Two strangers end up going through some life changing moments in just one night walking around the City. It's refreshing to have a movie not covering weeks or months, but one simple, cold night.

Some valuable messages are given. Things like: Running away is easy. Staying is the difficult part. We love who we love and it sucks, but it shouldn't define you. And just because someone offers to help you or is being nice to you, doesn't mean they want something back or have an agenda. Now of that, I'm guilty. Mistrust in people. And I wish I wasn't like that. Something to work on.

It might leave you a bit emotional by the end of their journey, which is yet another refreshing factor about this film.

I hope Chris Evans will take on other projects to direct. He has a unique approach in my opinion and I'm interested in what he'll do next. In the meantime, here's the trailer, a clip and some interviews.




If you decide to watch this film, I hope you'll enjoy it as much as I did!

Thanks for reading!
xo - Sara

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