6 July 2015

Tha sis's in town


Apologies for the many grammatical and typo mistakes in this blog post. I'm literally too tired to have a reread now.

As mentionned in my last blog post, I had some very awesome company this weekend^^ My sis came to visit me!

Saturday morning at 9am she arrived at St Pancras. That was an eeaaarly start... From St Pancras we took the tube to have some breakfast at the Breakfast Club near Liverpool Street. It's the only appropriate thing to do when you have to get up at 7am on a Saturday.

After that delicious breakfast (I can't recommend it enough) we walked to Spitalfield market and, lets just say it, we spent some money. On t shirts, but also super cute "picture quotes". I can't really explain it, but it really is super cute and I can't wait to hang them up in my apartment (if I ever move to one)

As we had a rather large breakfast we skipped lunch and headed straight to Notthing Hill, Portobello Road. Tine wanted to have a look at the little store I bought my beautiful tea pot and of course to see thé blue door from the movie ^^ I kind of got hungry half way through Portobello Rd so I bought a delicious falafel at one of the stalls and I ate it whilst we sat on a bench in the sun. The weather was so lovely. Once my falafel was finished, we had a bubble tea (my new happy food/drink) and we walked to Hyde Park were we sat for a couple hours. Chatting, napping,... just really relaxed :)

Around 6 we made our way to St Christopher's place to have dinner at Carluccio's. Nomnomnom. And then it was just a matter of going back home. About 30min after my sister arrived in the house she said: "I can't believe you're living with such idiots". To be honest, I'm glad someone else has said it and that it's not just me x)

Sunday morning we started the day off with a classic Costa coffee breakfast near London Bridge. The idea was to walk through Borough Market and walk alongside the Thames to discover south bank. But unfortunately Borough Market wasn't open on Sunday... And it started to rain occasionally -.- So we change our plans and walked over London Bridge to Monument and st Dunstan in the East church.

After Leadenhall Market we took the tube to St Paul's (it was raining again, so it was okay to take the underground for one stop), had a quick look inside the church and then hop on the tube again to Oxford Circus. We were trying to find a cup that belongs to my mug at John Lewis, but without much success :( And I was kind of getting tired and I actually really wanted to sit down, so we agreed to make our way to Richoux on Piccadilly for an afternoon tea. It's not the best place to have an afternoon tea, but it's possibly to cheapest x) Their sandwishes are delicious though ^^

Around 5 we were finished with our afternoon teas and we kind of wanted to do something so I suggested to visit St Martin's in the Field church. But of course, "No sight seeing today". Seriously, that's the second time now -.- So we sat on the steps for a while, watching people until I got a bit chilly. So we then walked to Waterstone's on Piccadilly, but it was just about to close (seriously!?). And it was around 6 ish already and we were both getting tired so we just decided to go to Yo!Sushi and see how much we could still eat x) Quite a bit so it seemed x) But sushi is always a good idea ^^ So yeah, Sunday evening we were home at a pretty decent hour to go to bed and wake up really really early on Monday! Hurray!

But it was worth it to get up so early on Monday. We arrived with plenty of time at London Victoria. We bought some Krispy Kreme doughnuts (yum), then took the tube to St Pancras where we had a Costa coffee with those doughnuts. It was delicious. Tine had plenty of time to check in and I had plenty of time to head to the office. And so my work week started.

Rest of the week was very unexciting. Monday evening I had a viewing (yay!), but I didn't get the room (again). I was (still am) exhausted, as I can't seem to get enough sleep. We have a new tenant in the house and he (and his friends) basically woke me up at around 1am every single morning this week. Remember when I mentionned I started hating living here? Well, it's gone beyond hating and it's now down right loathing. Monday evening I discovered I was "kicked out of the fridge". Someone has placed my few food supplies to a small corner in the fridge and simply taken my shelf in the fridge. That's when I decided to have my dinners after work at the office. Salads are pretty easy to make and are healthy too, so that's what I've been making the past week for dinner. I've also been trying to spent as little time as possible in that mad house, so after work (and dinner) I wander around town.  I eventually always end up in a book store and buying bubble teas and ice creme. But I actually really enjoyed that part of the week. I bought two books, I walked around London, enjoying being there, how amazing it really is (although my bank account would disagree). But around 8pm every evening it's inevitable, I have to go back "home". My stomach literally tightens of the thought alone. Ugh.

The temperatures in London reached quite a few hights as well this week and the aircon at our floor doesn't work properly so Wednesday we worked in an office with temperatures around 35°C. I was dying. And it made me miss Scotland even more. So yeah, all in all, it was a pretty shitty week (except the few exceptions of bubble tea and books ^^)

I am really sorry that you have to keep reading my complaints about my living situation. I am working on it and if it were up to me, I had moved 4 months ago, but aaaah well. "I'm sure there must be something"...

We'll see. Anywaaaaays, not end on a complete sour note, thanks for reading!! ^^
xo - Sara

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