2 December 2016

Travel diary England day 3 + Blogmas day 1 2016: "I wouldn't dance with him for all of Derbyshire, let alone the miserable half"

**diclamer: I upload at the end of every day of what I did that day and in a lot of cases, when I've finished a post, I'm too tired to re read it, so be prepared for typos, grammatical and vocabulary errors**


Happy Blogmas day 1! Today has been a frustrating, disappointing, happy and miserable day. Yes, it is possible to experience all these emotions within 24 hours. I lost about 3 to 4 hours to simply by being lost and being stuck in traffic. This better not happen tomorrow, because I have an insane day ahead of me... Better get this post online and go to bed ASAP.

Start bright and early.
As planned, I was down in the dining room to eat breakfast at 7.15am. Last night I decided to go ahead with my mad plan and swap day Chatworth House with Lyme Park. This means however that I have an insane amount of driving to do to get from point A to B. Anyway, by 8 am I was on the road, as planned and it would've only taken me about 50min to Stanage Edge. Those 50minutes quickly turned into 2 hours and a half, Instead of the planned arrival of 9am I finally found the place I needed to be at 10.30am. Great start of the day hein. 

On my way to Stanage Edge, it was very cloudy to the point of actually very foggy. I couldn't see further than 10meter ahead of me. Would it ever be worth driving to Stanage Edge in these weather conditions? For some reason I went ahead with it. With Harry, Ron and Hermione accompanying me, having to listen to my swearwords because I just couldn't find the correct street, time went by rather fast.

So by the time I arrived at Stanage Edge, it looked like this. I've had a tiny dilemma whether to go or not, if that would leave me enough time for Chatworth House or not, but heck, I was there, I might as well go up there.

A short little hike up and withing 15min I was looking over the edge. Right at the start of my 'hike' (because lets face it this wasn't a hike but rather a touristy 'oh I wanne see! moment) I started chatting with a couple about my parents age. They were from down South but have visited the Peak District numerous times and this includes Stanage Edge. Chatsworth was a recommendation of theirs and when I said that was my next stop because of Joe Write's Pride and Prejudice adaptions the wife was enthousiastic as I was when I first booked my trip x)

Screenshot from Pride and Prejudice (2005)

After that short chat, I walked across the edge, enjoying the albite limited view but a view non the less. Took some pictures, sat on a massive rock for a bit, took a picture of another lone traveller and about an hour later I made my way back to my little car. Of course by then, the weather had cleared up ab it...

I'm wondering if Mr Darcy or lady Cavendish might be home?
Stanage Edge isn't too far from Chatworth house, yet my sat nav managed to send me in the wrong direction. I had to asked someone at the Chatswort Farm shop for direction. The guy half laughed at me when  I said I couldn't find the house as I've been driving around multiple circles in the hope of finding the car park. Mind you, I found that the road signs weren't clear at all. Anyway, at long last I found the house and the car park. It took me a little while to find cash for the car park, but bought my timed ticket farely easy and by 1pm I was ready to explore the grounds with a hot chocolate in hand. My timed ticket for the house was at 3.30pm, so that left me with 2hours and a half to explore the garden and find the film locations. I was so pleased with my excellent time management on this afternoon (lets not talk about my 'time management whilst trying to find a place...)

What a disappointment when I found out that the area I was really keen to photograph is actually in fact private... But I found a way around it. We'll see how it turns out though, but those are worries for later.

I wasn't the only one with this idea x)

I was really lucky with the weather though. The fog of the morning had disappeared and the sun was even coming out! 

I ended up walking around the gardens listening to the below documentary about Chatsworth House, about lady Cavendish, Kick Kennedy and the Double Duchess. 

At 3.30pm it was finally time to enter the house. This years Christmas theme is the Nutcracker. It was gorgeous, but I also pretty soon realised non of the usual information boards were to be found. Thank god for that documentary I listened to earlier. The guide in the Stage room ended up telling me a few anecdotes about the ceiling paintings and explained that next year there will be a massive exhibition around fashion at Chatsworth House, including fashion piece of princess Diana. If you didn't know, Diana was a Spencer and lady Cavendish, Georgiana, was a Spencer as well. I really wanted to see the portrait of Georgiana, but unfortunately it wasn't on display. So instead I had to satisfy myself with the few film locations that I found in the house and enjoy the beautiful over the top Christmas decorations in the house.

At the end of the tour I bought the book Me and mr Darcy, a book I've read many years ago and have reread it in the meantime. I've meant to purchase a paperback copy of it for so long but either I didn't have the financial means or Waterstones didn't have any copies in stock. Now that I saw it here in the Orangery shop at Chatsworth House I had a few minutes doubt, but then "hey, if not now, when."

By 5pm I was back at the car and happy to learn that my next hotel was less than 30 minutes away. Turned out to be quite wrong (sat nav) but no harm done, I wanted to find a Tesco anyway to grab some dinner. Nearest Tesco less than 10km away, perfect. Until I arrived at the A38. Traffic was standing still and there was no turning back for me... I lost an hour. A bloody hour!! When I finally arrived at Tesco it was 7.15pm. I was meant to arrive there at 6.10pm... Luckily my way back to the hotel went alot smoother, although I did struggle a bit to find the right place. My sat nav seemed to have struggled a bit today. By 8.30pm I was finally settled on my bed (I had to run back to the car to grab my USB cable to connect my camera with my laptop to upload the photos) for me to start writing this post. And now I'm done and super tired. 

This is where I end today's post. Hope you've enjoyed it!

Thanks for reading!
xo Sara

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