31 July 2015

I have absolutely no smart title for this blog post. Deal with it.


We're well over the first half of 2015. Week 30 people. Week 30. But unfortunately it's not been a really exciting week.

Saturday morning, my house mates woke me up at 4.30am by starting a party in their room. Loud music, chatting, laughing, ... You know, the lot. It's kind of backwards isn't it? Instead of starting up the party at midnight, they started it up in the early hours of the morning. Anyway, by 7am I couln't fall asleep again, so I decided to get up. So I had plenty of time to go to Croydon to have breakfast at Costa Coffee and catch the 9.40am screening of Inside Out. I wrote a blog post about that animation movie which you can read here ;)

After the movie I walked into HMV. Dangerous, I know. In the afternoon I took the bus from Croydon to Norbury to catch a train to Central London. I was starving and I was craving dumplings and I didn't want to go to the house just yet. So I put my thoughts into action and had the most delicious dumplings at Leong's Legend Continued in China town.

After lunch I walked to Waterstones Piccadilly. I know I know, HMV and Waterstones in one day? My bank account won't like that, but hey, I'm beyond the point of caring. Buying books and DVD's make me really happy and is by far the best retail therapy.

I ended up sitting in one of the chairs in Waterstones for a good 2 hours, reading Destined for Doon by Carey Corp and Lorie Langdon. As mentionned in my previously weekly blog post, it's very teen orientated and I wasn't sure if I liked the writing style. But as any good book does, the story grew on me. Big time. Hell with the writing style. The only thing that really bothered me was the billion miscommunication situations in the story. I'm not an expert in personal communication myself, but even I know better than that... Anyway, the story grew on me and I suffered a book hangover. Lorie and Carey, job well done! I'm going to recommend this book! Although probably mostly to teenagers and young adults x) Also, I want to visit the Brig'o'Doon now. Shall I start planning my next trip to Scotland then?

Sunday was a rainy day. Ideal to spent a day indoors, watching movies and finish reading Destined for Doon whilst drinking tea. I was in my personal happy bubble.

The rest of the week was quiet. Nothing exciting happened at work, it was rather quiet in the house and I've started counting down the days when I'll leave for a week holiday in Croatia with my sister and a friend! Only a week to go now!

That's it for this week blog post.

As always, thanks for reading!
xo - Sara

New words: Relentless= ruthless; glare= sheen

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