1 November 2014

the Chronicles of Narnia, Waterstones, prince Harry and unexpected family visit


I am afraid nothing really exciting has happend this week. But on the bright side, that means that this won't be a very long blog post ;)

Weekend 25/10 and 26/10 was spend very quietly. After 3 crazy weeks I just wanted to catch up on some sleep and enjoy the fact that if I wanted to leave my bed, it would be because I choose to.

Saturday afternoon I went into London. Bought myself a sandwich and sat on a bench in Green park, enjoying the sun and watching people whilst eating my sandwich. I love autumn. After that I went to Waterstones to find some books and take the time to read as well. I am currently reading the Chronicles of Narnia series by C.S. Lewis and I am trying to read them all before the 15th November. Why the deadline you may ask? You'll see in time ;) But I'd like to get myself in the proper mood by then and I don't see that happening whilst I am still reading in another world (that was kind of a hint). Anyway, I am currently reading the 'the Silver Chair' and after that I have one book left in the Narnia series. Should be fine to read in two weeks time.

So, Saturday Waterstones and Sunday editing the video that came with the previous blog post. That was my very exciting weekend, but I genuinely enjoyed it.

The week (and therefore work) went the same as usual. For me anyway. The colleagues are getting a lot more stress because two big events are coming up and as we all know, the few weeks before an event are insanely busy! I just try to help where ever I can.

Thursday evening was a lovely surprise. The aunt and uncle I've visited Oxford with were back in England! So we met up after I finished work and went to Masalla for some dinner. It ended up in an all evening chat :) Catching up on family news, their advise on things and talking about books :)

So as you can tell, a pretty quiet week, but that was a good thing. Next week and the week after are going to be a bit busier! Enjoy the quietness (is that even a word?! x)) whilst it last :)

Oh, yeah, I saw prince Harry on Thursday on my way to work. Let me know if you can see him in the picture. Hint: he's standing with his back towards the gate and is talking to a militair.

That was my 13th week here in London. Can't believe it is the 13th week already :)

Thanks for reading!
xo - Sara


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