16 November 2016

"Now that is a proper introduction" - Louise Banks, Arrival 'review'


It's been a while since I last posted a review on a movie on this platform, but I've recently seen a film that I highly recommend, so what better way than to write a 'review' on it? ;)

Sunday afternoon I went to see the Arrival, starring Amy Adams, Jeremy Renner, Forest Whitaker, etc. It is about aliens arriving on this planet (hence the title) rather than invading it like, say Independence Day. Just like Interstellar it tries to connect with the audience on a more psychological level, but unlike Interstellar, Arrival actually achieves this connection. Before I go to deep into it, here's the quick overview and short synopsis.


** spoiler free **
Director: Denis Villeneuve
Cast: Amy Adams, Jeremy Renner, Forest Whitaker, ...
Lenght: 1h 56min
Genre: Mystery, Sci Fi, drama

Louise Banks is a linguist who has helped the US Army with translating information. When 12 space ships arrive all over the world, they call upon Louise again to help them and scientist Ian to communicate with the aliens in order to find out why exactly they are here. As humanity is bowing under the pressure of the unknown visitors and the world is on the brink of a 3rd world war, Louise makes a decision that can possibly seal the deal for the worlds destruction.

I left the cinema not exactly knowing how to behave anymore. All my personal issues seemed so small and trivial. Not important. Granted, they are not, but it is one of those films that puts you right back in your place: a tiny tiny tiny spot in the immeasurable universe. The question whether we are alone has never really been a question to me. But the majority of alien sci fi films depict these unknown forms of life as violent creatures whose sole purpose in life is to destroy humanity. Well, save E.T.

The aliens in Arrival are not here for an invasion, they just, well, arrive. Their role is more a supportive one and the focus is more on humanity and the personal stories of the characters, on love and loss, on communication or the lack thereof, the future, the past, heck, even on relativity and non-linear time. But mind you, it is not as scientific as Interstellar or the Martian, but it definitely has that touch to it. It is more a psychological sci fi drama, really.

The suspense is almost tangible throughout the entire film. The score is a tremendous help on this (you might want to bring earplugs), but also the fact that you don't know more than the characters. You follow main character Louise and her colleague Ian and you learn information as and when they do. You have no idea how other countries are dealing with the extraterrestrial visitors apart from what the news sources show. The film also jumps in time, which keeps you on edge and forces you to keep mind focused.

Adams delivers a tremendous performance. It's very natural and honest and very believable. And I'm just going to say this, it is one of those rolls that made me wish that I was super smart and excellent in something. There, I've said it. Moving on. Renner portays Ian, a likeable, cool scientist whose is always looking at the sky to find what is out there rather than looking around. One of the reasons why he is still single, is jokingly being said in the film. The other characters like Colonel Weber (Forest Whitaker) and agent Halpern (Michael Stuhlbarg) are not the type cast FBI agent and Army colonel dickheads who argue constantly about who thinks is right. There is no rivalry between army, FBI and scientists, but a co-operation to learn the aliens' purpose on our planet. The overall feel of this movie is how human it is.

The movie starts on a very heavy note and ends, in my opinion, on one hand quite heavy, but on the other, it has this message of hope. That no matter how bad a situation might seem (2016, ahum), there is always a reason to go and live your life and love. That a bad situation can lead to a beautiful result. That some things are worth taking the risk. How beautiful is that.

And I was actually quite fond of the aliens by the end of the movie ^^

Here are as per usual the trailer, a clip and an interview ;)




As always, thanks for reading!
xo - Sara

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