28 March 2017

"How do you feel about growing a beard?" - Belle, Beauty and the Beast 'movie review'


Time for another movie 'review' and what better movie to discuss than the highest grossing film of 2017 so far?

I was never really a Beauty and the Beast fan. I mean, I liked the story and was fascinated with the rose, but I didn't like the fact that the Beast turned into the blond prince at the end of the film. That is why I absolutely love the cheeky little phrase: "How do you feel about growing a beard?" in this live action remake. Yes, Belle, yes!

To start with a short synopsis of my thoughts: the movie is visually stunning, not yet convinced about Emma's Belle and absolutely LOVED the household 'staff'. Especially Lumière ^^

26 March 2017

Any place you don't leave is a prison. - Prof. Peter Hoberg, Liberal Arts (Favorite movie quotes part 6)


It's been a while since I last posted one of these, but I thought it was time to re-introduce this type of post as I'm focusing even more on the film aspect now :)

Many movies have amazing quotes. Some just funny, others incredibly witty and evey once in a while I hear a quote I think is so applicable to my life, the world, humanity.

Here is part 6 (yes, I've done 5 other posts like these already) of my favourite quotes:

"Not to worry. We are still flying half a ship." - Obi-Wan Kenobi, Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith 

7 March 2017

"Every time we get a chance to get ahead they move the finish line." - Mary Jackson, Hidden Figures


If you'd like to see a feel good film without having to watch the classic romcom formula, I highly recommend Hidden Figures.

I saw it a couple of weeks ago and oh my, I loved it. I can imagine that for someone who has been tought the history of slavery and the after math in the USA, some of the dialogue might be a slap in the face. But as for someone who has learned about slavery only to an extend, some of the lines were a shock/surprise to me. These things happened a only bit over 50 years ago...

5 March 2017

"I'm letting life hit me until it gets tired. Then I'll hit back." - Sebastian, La La Land


I've finally seen La La Land about 3 weeks ago and only now I'm able to write about it.

Let me get the elephant out of the room. I didn't particulary enjoyed the film. I had to wait until now to write down the reasons why as it would have been too harsh a few weeks ago and the film doesn't deserve that either.


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