* Disclaimer: this post is written and uploaded the same day as I've lived it. I'm too tired to read and re-read for any typos or other errors. So my sincere apologies in advance! *
As mentioned in yesterday's post, I've visited the HMS Victory today. The Victory was Horatio Nelson's flagship on which he won the battle of Trafalgar, but sadly lost his life.
The HMS Victory now lays on the HMS Naval Base in Portsmouth, surrounded by other war ships and musea. You can either buy a ticket for one attraction or buy a ticket to visit the lot. Luckily the entree tickets are valid for one whole year, so if you're in the area or need an excuse to travel again, this is a very solid one ;)
On the Victory's deck you can see a brass plate on the place where Nelson was hit by a musket ball and a lamp on the surgeons deck where he finally drew his last breath.
The audio guide takes you through the days before the battle of Trafalgar, the battle itself and the days/weeks after the battle. I think it is splendidly done by the Royal Naval Base.
In about an hour I had seen the entire ship and had listened to all the audio stops. As I had some time left on my hands, I decided to visit the Mary Rose as well.
The Mary Rose was a ship of Henry VIII which sank before his eyes in 1545 after 34 years of service. The reason why the ship sank is still unknown, but if it had anything to do with a gust of wind and gun ports not closed on time, it is a very silly cause which lead to many deaths. Over 500 men were working on the Mary Rose, but only 35 survived.
The ship sank and wasn't found until late 20th century. After 437 years, in 1982, the Mary Rose saw daylight again. You can now visit the remains and quite a bit of the items found in the remains of the ship in the Mary Rose Museum. I recommend it.
After those two exhibits it was time for some lunch and head back to Winchester. As we're staying there, it seemed a bit silly that we wouldn't spent any time there. So from 3 pm I headed out to do some shopping and have a wander around town. Early dinner at 6pm because we needed to be in front of the telly by 9pm as there was a documentary about Jane Austen on BBC 2. Gotta see that right?
On hour way to our accommodation we walked from Winchester Cathedral (final resting place of Jane) to the house she passed away.
And that is it for day 3 in South England :)
Thanks for reading!
xo - Sara
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