28 April 2015

"Don't take from my pile" Tony Stark - Avengers: Age of Ultron


Movietime Monday people! And yes, the title is exactly what I'll be talking about: freaking AVENGERS! Just like Cinderella and Kingsmen, this movie was a loooong time coming. Plenty of teaser trailers and little hints on what was going to happen in Age of Ultron. Now, to clarify one thing: I am an MCU fan. MCU= Marvel Cinematic Universe a.k.a the marvel movies. I haven't touched a single Marvel comic book in my entire life and I have absolutely no idea what happened in the 'Age of Ultron' issue. So if you think I'm not a die hard fan, just because I haven't read the comic books, you're probably right, according to your definition of die hard fan anyway. But man, I fell in love with the MCU from the first scenes of Thor (Kenneth Branagh, duh.)

Avengers: Age of Ultron

**this blog post contains spoilers**

Director: Joss Whedon
Cast: Robert Downey Jr, Chris Evans, Chris Hemsworth, Scartlett Johansson, Elizabeth Olsen, Mark Ruffalo, Jeremy Renner, Aaron Taylor-Johsnon, Samuel L. Jackson, James Spader, Paul Bettany, Cobie Smulder, Anthony Mackie,...
Lenght: 141min= 2h 21min
Genre: Sci Fi action adventure, freaking Marvel!

So the movie picks up where Captain America: Winter Soldier ended. S.H.I.E.L.D doesn't excist anymore and what's left of Hydra has a valuable weapon that the Avengers need to reclaim. That's how the movie starts, right in the action. You get some spectacular scenes, cheezy one liners and over all proper Joss-Whedon-Avengers-style-action-scenes. And yes, I laughed out loud.

But soon our superheroes encounter some new players in the field: Quicksilver (Pietro Maximoff - Aaron Taylor-Johnson) and the Scarlet Witch (Wanda Maximoff - Elizabeth Olsen). The latter's special power is to confront her victims with their worst fears and manipulate their minds. So that is what she does and it ends with Tony Stark creating artificial intelligence: Ultron. Roll credits. Just kidding. Well obviously something has to go wrong, because otherwise it would have been "roll credits" indeed. So, Ultron turns out not to be what Stark had in mind and so the Avengers assemble (get it?x)) to safe the earth from destruction once again.

So, let's use with the classic scheme to address some critical points: start with something positive, get to the negative part and end with something positive again.

1) First piece of awesome is Hawkeye, Clint Barton. Not only has he the most epic lines of the whole bunch, you get to see an entire different side of him. We all know the Avengers as a motley crew. Self made superhero Iron Man (Tony Stark - Robert Downey Jr), god of Thunder Thor (Chris Hemsworth), 1940 experiment Captain America (Steve Rogers - Chris Evans), short tempered Hulk (Bruce Banner - Mark Ruffalo), and both ex-assassins Natasha Romanoff (Black Widow - Scarlett Johansson) and Clint Barton (Jeremy Renner). All of them seem to have some sort of issue in their personal life. Iron Man has anxiety attacts. Bruce Banner has to be very careful not to loose his temper which brings some restrictions. Thor has his brother Loki. Steve Rogers lost the love of his life 70 years ago. Natasha Romanoff was basically raised not to be human,... But then you have Clint Barton who has... yes... a family. A wife and 2 kids with a 3rd on the way. A functional family no less. That was a twist I did not see coming.

2) Secondly, if you've seen Iron Man, Iron Man 2, Iron Man 3 and Avengers Assemble, you'll be familiar with Jarvis, Tony Stark's sidekick. Paul Bettany was the voice of this genius know-it-all for the 4 films, but he never showed as much as a toe on screen. But in Age of Ultron it is Paul's time to shine because he is the freaking Vision. My first reaction when I saw that was: "YES, Jarvis finally gets his time to shine!" Well, obviously he is not Jarvis anymore, but hell I'm excited for the next load of Marvel movies featuring the Vision!

3) Andy Serkis is in it.

4) The scene after the party where everyone is gathered in the living room is just marvelous (hehe). Just some friends hanging around and of course you challenge each other. So who is worthy of Mjölnir? It's such a mondane setting with an outer worldy element. Relatable, yet not so relatable.

5) The movie is much darker compared to the first Avengers movie. We get alot more inside to some of the characters, especially Natasha Romanoff. I've always wondered how she became as awesome as she is. But her story is much darker and sadder than most of the other Avengers. I can imagine that not everyone likes that element in Age of Ultron. Some people just expect a good storyline with some spectacular action sequences and not too much details about the psychological conditions of the characters. But I personally was very intrigued and yes I did some background research myself about some of the characters.

6) What happened to Betty Ross? Banner's ex-girlfrind. I know some time must have gone by, but where did the relationship between Bruce and Natasha came from? Pretty out of the blue. But I think they'd make a good couple. In the end.

7) Thor's story line seemed a bit odd to me. And personally I think he had less screen time than the others. Now, the fact that I didn't fully understood his story line might have been due to the fact that I saw the movie in English without subtitels and without replay or pauze button. So sometimes, when things were explained, I wasn't always up for the task to completely follow. So I'm sure when I see the movie again (and I assure you, I will) I'll be able to understand more and everything will make more sense.

8) The relationship between Iron Man and Cap has some tension, which is a very nice introduction to Captian America: Civil War (2016) featuring Iron Man! At one point in the movie both gentlemen are cleaving wood. And as sometimes happens, they get competitive. When Stark is called away, he says: "Don't take from my pile" as if to ensure that Rogers wouldn't cheat although Rogers' pile was already larger than Stark's x) These little lines are what makes the movie complete.

9) I understood most of the references to the previous Marvel films! Nerd alert, but it is just so awesome when you can make the connection.

10) The last scene of the movie is basically saying: buckle up, you're in for a long and awesome ride. By introducing new characters we like just as much as the original ones, they ensured the future of MCU. I'm a Scarlet Witch, Vision and Falcon fan already! Not too sure about War Machine, but might also just because I think the name isn't so catchy... Hmm... And the fact that the very last shot was cut right before the word 'assemble' is spoken, is just... Aaarhg, incredible x)

Joss Whedon did a tremendous job, but we didn't expect anything else. Besides my little remark on Thor's story line, Whedon truly gave every single character a storyline and made sure it was tide up by the end of the movie, but not too tight so there is space for an introduction to the next marvel movies.

Ah well, enjoy the trailer:

And the awesome living room scene:

This must have been sooooo much fun for the cast x)

Fox 5 DC interview

I suggest you go to the cinema the next opportunity you get and just sit back and enjoy the ride.

Please let me know if you've seen the movie or if you are going to see it!

Thanks for reading!
xo - Sara

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