28 March 2015

Year One

Hallooooo everyone!

This is not a weekly blog post about my past week, but this is a rather special one :) Exactly one year ago I posted my first blog post ever!

On 22nd March 2014 I moved to London to start an internship for my education in Communication Management. My original plan was just to film everything as I much rather watch YouTube videos than read super long blog posts... Whoops. But as my first vlog was edited I realised that that video needed some explanation... So I (rather quickly) went to blogger.com and created an account. I probably should have thought more about a name, but hey! It was only supposed to be an extention to my vlogs. And as I was supposed to move back to Belgium in July, there wasn't really a point in thinking too long for an appropriate name.

So, Sara lives in London was born. Every weekend I would upload a vlog accompanied with a blog post to explain what I was up to that past week. But as July approached, I realised I was in no way ready to stop blogging. Against my own expectation I really loved writing the posts every week! (but it really shouldn't have been. At the age of 14 I wrote about 5 diaries full!) So I started thinking about what else I could write. I mean, there is no point in blogging about what I've been up to when I was back home in Belgium. So, I wanted to try to create other content.

The first rule about blogging is: write about things that you love, are interested in. Well that's a piece of cake for me: traveling, movies and books. So even though I was to move back to Belgium, I still had a subject to write about. I'd still have this little place on the internet that is 100% 'me'. And that thought was a really comforting one.

Than the wonderful opportunity to do a second internship in London came along and I grabbed that chance. This meant that I could keep weekly blogging! But the idea of writing about movies that I liked had taken hold of me by now, so I decided to just write both. It's my blog after all :) And well, since I have gone from a temp internship to a full time job, I am planning to keep writing :)

Besides rediscovering my love for writing, and this is going to sound very corny, this blog has also helped me to become a bit closer to who I really am. I'm not quite there yet, but I'm getting there. For example, in the past I found it very difficult to say that I like fantasy movies and feel good movies and action movies and huge box office hit movies and ... People can really judge you through the movies that you like, so you tend to blend in and agree with the crowd. But as I am in my early twenties I thought it was finally time to learn not to care what other people think about me and just be as geeky as I wish to be about the Avengers: age of Ultron or the new live action Cinderella or the lasted animation movies or Harry Potter or the lastest book that I've read. And this doesn't exclude solely to movies and books, but also about the way that I dress, the fact that I enjoy going to the cinema by myself and travel by myself. That I love spending a day watching movies or series in my bed as much as going out and meet friends and family. That I love listening to movie soundtracks, because it makes my journey so much more interesting. But as I said before, it's still a work in progress and this blog is partly helping me getting there :)

Wow, this blog post went very deep all of the sudden :) To lighten things up a bit, here's is 4min video of my past year. I wasn't able to add every single moment, as not all of them were captured on camera, but it's close enough. Anyway, I had fun in making the video. It's such a beautiful way of keeping memories. I highly recommend it! :)

If you've been reading my blog (and I don't mean every single week, but every now and then) I thank you very much :) If you have any suggestion of what I could write about or visit in the next year, please let me know :)

As always, thanks for reading!!
xo - Sara

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