17 April 2016

Spending a weekend in the past


So last week's post went up on Monday. Super late, as Sunday is usually the latest that I upload a weekly post. Reason being: I spent most of my weekend in the past... x) Not literally of course, but via means of DVD's and tv series. Not to get ahead of myself, on Saturday I went to an independent movie theatre in Peckham (about 25min walk) to see the movie Zootropolis. Be assured, a post will follow about that one ^^

And then, on Sunday, I binge watched Downton Abbey, season 5 finale and season 6. A complete day spent in 1924-1925. I saw the Christmas special for season 6 on Monday evening. On one hand, I'm sad that there will be no more new Downton Abbey episodes, but on the other, they did a good thing to end on a high note. It's such a satisfying ending for all characters that are still around. Well, I thought anyway :) Rumor has it there is talks of a movie, so fingers crossed that will happen soon!! ^^

I also saw the first episode of season 2 of Outlander on Monday evening. If you're not familiar with Outlander, I highly suggest you watch season 1 ASAP. 16 episodes of pure blisfull time travel to Scotland 1743. The show was such a hit and they are now back with season 2! Apparently, the number of people who've watched the first episode of the second season has increased! Yay!

The first book and season focus on Claire, a woman born in 1918. After WWII she goes on a second honeymoon with her husband to Scotland. There she touches the standing stones on Craig Na Dûn and somehow, she falls 200 years through time and ends up in Scotland 1743. You see the story very much through her eyes, how she tries to survive, her attempts to get back to 1945, etc.

The second book and season focus more on the Jacobite Rebellion of 1745 and how Jamie and Claire are trying to stop it as Claire knows who it will end... It is set in France instead of the Scottish highlands, so a change in look and feel is inevitable.

I've read the first two books, but I've been informed that season 2 will step away from the 2nd book. The first episode of the second season already proofs that and I'm looking forward to see how the producers, writers and directors will approach the rest of the story. Mind you, please see season 1 before you watch the first episode of season 2. It's a very emotionally heavy episode and you need all the information of season 1 to fully understand what is going on. I think it might scare people off who don't really know...:s I've also noticed, that because I've read the book and already know what will happen, I don't have the suprised reaction of most of the viewers... Not sure yet if I think that's a pitty or not...

So yeah, there you have it :) One final video of the intro of the series. I freaking love it!

The rest of the week was pretty uneventful. I've started watching Downton Abbey again from season 1, just because x)

Anyone else who's seen the first season of Outlander or the first episode of the second season? I need to talk about it!! x)

Thanks for reading!
xo - Sara

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