26 June 2016

Travel diary Scotland day 10, 2016: I've had my freaking burger in Aberfeldy!!!

 **Disclaimer: I write and upload the same day, often after a long and exhausting day. I often don't have the focus to re read and take out the typos, grammatical and vocabulary errors. Beware!**


Sunday was very relaxed as well. I did a little hike and then had the best burger in the world!

I drove to Strathyre to start a 4hour hike on the Hill of the Fairies. It sounds a lot more promising than it actually was. Unfortunately the weather turned on me half way through my hike and the paths weren't fantastic either. At times it was just a path of trampled grass and more than ones I couldn't find it! I really had to use my imagination. So when the time came for me to start my descent on the other side of the hill it was raining constantly and the path was completely gone. Even after waiting a few minutes and walking back for a few meters I just couldn't find it. So I decided to descent the same way I had ascended. It was a shame, but I saw no point in trying to scramble through in the rain. So instead of a 4hour hike, it turned out to be a 3hour hike. The views were beautiful though. Well, before the clouds took the summits that is. Nearly every time I looked up the summits at Loch Lomond were covered by a blanket of clouds.

I was sitting in my car eating my sandwiches after my walk and I was looking on the map to see where I could go next. It was only 2pm. And my eye fell on Aberfeldy. In a little under an hour I would be back again at the little town I discovered by accident a bit over a year ago where I had the best burger in world! When I couldn't make it on the day I had intended at the beginning of my trip, I was so sad, but it seems it turned out just fine ;) Travel diary Scotland day 5, 2016: I am Merida, firstborn descendant of Clan DunBroch. And I'LL be shooting FOR MY OWN HAND! - Merida, Brave (2012)

I even sat at the exact same table! A lovely full cirkle ^^ Lets included a little throw back ;) Travel diary Scotland day 7, 2015: Mrs Rowling, are you home?

I was a bit scared that it wouldn't be as good as I thought it was. I wasn't very hungry yet and sometimes your mind enhances the idea of something that might not have been as great as it actually was. But my oh my! I highly recommend Habitat in Aberfeldy for a good lunch!!

After that little trip I went back to my room and watched Twilight: Breaking Dawn part 1, just because it was on the telly ;) A Sunday as it should be: quiet and relaxed.

Thanks for reading!
xo - Sara

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