11 June 2016

I had a conversation with a stranger and it might just have changed my life.


6 more days to go and I'm on my way to Scotland! I won't be doing a weekly post next weekend, but instead I will be daily blogging my entire trip throught the highlands! 15 days! Starting Friday 17th June.

Then, for this weeks update. Last weekend I had plans. Plans to go see Me Before You, plans to go Greenwich again, plans to go the the Italian Gardens in Hyde Park, etc. None of those actually happened. Saturday morning I did my grocery shopping again, when I came home I put the flowers that I bought in a vase, had some breakfast, watched an episode of Outlander (I'm catching up!), etc. The usual little routine. Early afternoon I was ready to leave the house to catch a screening of Me Before You. But when it came to it, I realised that I needed someone to go with me. So I arranged with a friend to go on Tuesday after work. So that meant that I had the rest of the afternoon and evening to catch up on Outlander and Skype with my parents.

Sunday went down pretty much the same way, although I had a moment of 'what am I doing with my life'?  Which made me think and resulted in me getting an idea, which I think is so cool and pretty smart, so of course I wanted to work it out immediately. That is where the majority of my Sunday was spent on.

Tuesday after work, I saw Me Before You. It was almost a sold out theatre, but it is probably one of the best crowds I've ever watched a film with. Halfway through the movie a concert of sniffing started and by the end of it tissues were passed on to one another. My "review" will be up on Monday ;)

Then, Wednesday evening was very exciting for me. On a Friday evening in April I bought myself a ticket to see the play Romeo and Juliet at the Garrick theatre from the Kenneth Branagh Theatre Company. Nearly two months later and it was finally here. I had never seen a movie or read a book of any of Shakespeare's adaptations, so this was very exciting for me. Also, Richard Madden and Lily James are Romeo and Juliet and Derek Jacobi is Mercutio.

So, once I was there, I bought myself an appletizer and sat down on my (very small) seat. Somehow I started talking to the lady sitting next to me. Turned out she was from Northern California near San Fransisco and she's in London for just a month for her studies. Whilst she's here she grabbed the opportunity to see a play as, apparently, and I quote "we, in America, have nothing on plays as they do here in the UK. This is the West End." During the break I was reading the program that I bought and I wondered out loud how one gets into the theatre world. How do you end up behind the scenes for example. To which my lovely neighbour had an answer: "you ask a lot of questions, you do some research and you just introduce yourself. You just go for it." She used to work as a graphic designer in Hollywood for about 10 years. The story how she got in? One day they were filming a movie a few blocks from were she lived. Her family went to watch , but she hung around for the entirety of the shoot. After the few days filming were over someone on the crew asked: "And who are you?" to which she had about 3 second to introduce herself as a graphic designer. Faith had it that their graphic designer had just dropped out and wondered if she should help them out. Hupla, start of 10 year career as designer in Hollywood.

After the show we chatted for a little while and then parted ways. Looking back now, I wasn't sure if I should have asked for her contact details to keep in touch, but at the time it didn't feel like a necessity. Sometimes you cross paths with people you'll never see again, but they leave a lasting impression. This might have been one of those encounters.

Even though I had never seen the story of Romeo and Juliet in its entirety, I knew it already. It is so well known! So it was nice to see it for the first time :) The story is set in 1950's Verona, rather than 16th century. Colours and set were very monotone which made me focus more on the actors than anything else that happened on stage. Unfortunately I didn't understand half of what they were saying, but then, who can? And to my surprise, it was funny. Actually really funny and witty of the other half that I could understand. Well, the first half that was. Second half was very dramatic. The moment Tybalt dies, it all goes down hill. On multiple occassions I just thought: 'get a grip'. Or 'don't teach your children to hate another living thing (human being or animal)'. It could have all worked out just fine if everyone just took a second to think. Also, this is a prime example of miscommunication and overreacting.

But anyway, acting was superb, from all actors involved. The aggression of Juliet's father towards her was trully frightening. Music was a bit loud maybe, but Lily's singing was a goosebump moment. Derek Jacobi made the crowd chuckle multiple times as did the Nurse. If you're in London and you like plays, or you'd like to go to one, I'd recommend it :) The play goes on until 13th August.

Thursday evening's Ludosport class wasn't my best class, but enjoyed it so much. The entire week has been very stressful at work and on Thursday I had a terrible headache. I was also this close to bursting out into tears (which I had already done on Tuesday). All I wanted to do was just head home and curl up into bed with P.S I love you or another tear jerking film. But, the best remedy for a headache is physical excercise. My shoulders were completely blocked as well, so I pushed aside my desire to go to bed and it was the right desicion. Thursday evening I felt a lot better about life^^

And now it's the weekend again. Passed week has gone by so quickly, despite all the stress. But I am very happy it is weekend again.

So next week no weekly update, but the start of daily blogging! So looking forward to this ^^

Thanks for reading!
xo - Sara

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