1 July 2016

Travel diary Scotland day 14, 2016: A day not going to plan. Edinburgh though.

**Disclaimer: I write and upload the same day, often after a long and exhausting day. I often don't have the focus to re read and take out the typos, grammatical and vocabulary errors. Beware!** 


The end is near. The day after tomorrow I'll be heading back to London. But before that, I do get to spent some quality time in a beautiful city called Edinburgh.

Planning not going to plan
Just like the other days of my trip I had a planning. Things that I certainly wanted to do and see in a way that would be most effective to lose as little time as possible. But it all came to nothing and it all started with the fact that the dining room of the guest house I'm staying at is way too little. Only 5 tables when there are 8 rooms and breakfast is served between 8 and 9. At 8.15 I stood downstairs, but no seats were available so I had to head back up to wait for a
**Disclaimer: I write and upload the same day, often after a long and exhausting day. I often don't have the focus to re read and take out the typos, grammatical and vocabulary errors. Beware!**
table to free up. I lost already half an hour of my planning. Eventually by 9.30am I headed out towards city centre. Unfortunately it was drizzling/raining on my way, so my idea of walking up Arthur's Seat in the morning didn't seem to happen. I've had my fair share of walking/hiking in rain this holiday ;) So I needed another plan, which turned my day upside down. It turned out to be quite productive in the end, but regrettably I can't go in to deep on here too much. What I can tell is that I roamed countless shops in search for a bookmarker that I had seen on my trip last year. Of course, without success. I also sat on the Royal Mile for quite a while, just enjoying the sun that had come out by then and thriving in the fact that I was back in Edinburgh.

Arthur's Seat
After a tea and piece of chocolate cake in a little cafe on the Grassmarket with view on Edinburgh Castle, I headed towards Holyrood road and Holyrood Palace as they are featured in the second book in the Outlander series Dragonfly in Amber. But when I arrived at the palace I found out that it is closed between 27th June and 10 July. Reason? Her Majesty the Queen, Lizzy, is currently staying or is about to stay, in the palace. So I had to settle for a visit to the Queen's Galary only, which turned out the be the exact same exibition as the one in the Queen's Galary back in January. Ah well, it was about the Dutch artists in the time of Vermeer (1600-1700 ish) which is one of my favorite periods in art. By the time I walked out it was 5pm and as I was so near the Arthur's Seat, I figured I might as well go up. And oh my, happy I did that! Windy as hell up there, but the view was worth it.

Legend has it that once a dragon roamed these skies and terrorised the area, eating life stock. One day he ate so much, he went to sleep and never woke up. This is just one of the many stories. No one really knows how the hill got its name. What is known, is that it once was a volcano. Pretty cool hein?

By the time I arrived back at the foot of the hill, it was time for dinner and then head back to the guest house.

That is it for the day before last! Thanks for reading!
xo - Sara

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