27 June 2015

A Book Utopia meet up in Hyde Park


As promised, this week is back to the normal schedule. So tadada, update week 25!

Because I already uploaded a blog post on Wednesday that described my week for the most part, I'll now just keep it to the weekend. So it'll be short :)

Saturday evening I arrived 'home', unpacked and went to bed. Nothing interesting happened. Sunday morning I had a lie in, the first of the entire week! Which made me arrive late at the Italian Gardens in Hyde Park.

Sasha Alsberg and Ben Alderson are two YouTubers who held a thing called 'a meet up' in Hyde Park. Everyone that wanted to come and say hi was welcome to. Meet ups are kind of a big thing now, since YouTube has grown so much over the past couple years and succesfull YouTubers are basically celebrities. Now, I'd never been to a meet up before and I didn't had any intentions to changing that any time soon. The majority that goes to these events are teenage girls and well, I'm not exactly a teenage girl anymore. And I was correct. Whilst waiting in line I started talking to two girls standing behind me. Both 9 graders. Hell, I felt old. I think the average age was 16 (-ish). Thank god the screaming and fainting girls stayed home as that would have made me turn right around.

Now, who is Sasha Alsberg and why did I go to that meet up? Sasha is a booktuber and has a channel on YouTube called A Book Utopia. The title is self-explanatory I'd say. If you like to check out her channel, simply clic here, crab a cup of tea, sit back and enjoy :) So why did I decide to drag my ass to Hyde Park on Sunday 21st June? By coincidence Sasha and Ben travelled through Scotland the same week I did. We both visited some same places but with a day or two apart, so Sasha and Ben had the same experience (-ish) that I had. And because I'm suffering this major travel hangover I just wanted to have a little chat with someone who knew what it's like. What Scotland can do to a person. That's the drawback, I guess, of travelling by yourself.

Anyway, the meet up was quite short, so afterwards I went to Nottinghill Portobello rd in search of that mug that belongs with my beautiful teapot and the actual Blue Door from the movie Notting Hill. Yes! I found it!!!! Around 4pm I went back to Italian Gardens as the weather was beautiful and last time I was there, two weeks ago, I found this lovely spot to sit and have the most sun, so I went right back there x)

I say the meet up was quite short, I mean for me that was. Sasha and Ben were there for at least 2 hours. Talking to people, taking pictures with people and just having amazing small talk skills. I can learn a thing or two from them :)

Sasha, if you're reading this, did you get that Costa coffee before you flew back to the states? x)

Anyway, that's it for this weeks blog post. Keep an eye open for next weeks post 'cause my sis's in town!^^

Thanks for reading!
xo - Sara

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