24 June 2015

A rather honest blog post.


I hope you are all very well and I hope that you've enjoyed reading my daily blogs about my outer worldly trip through Scotland. But, as all dreams do, they come to an end and so did this trip. Wake up hun. Back to reality. If you know me personally (if you don't, now you know ;)), you'll probably know that I can suffer quite heavily from hangovers. And I am not talking about the hangovers from too much alcohol. No, I'm talking about book hangovers, movie hangovers and travel hangovers. If you're not familiar with these terms, allow me to enlighten you : )

A book, movie or travel hangover: after reading an exceptionally good book, watching a mind blowing movie or having the best time whilst travelling, having to go back to reality, back home, work or school and physically having no idea how to behave yourself as you are still in awe of that amazing book/movie/holiday.

This week I'm suffering a major travel hangover. The last travel hangover dates from my 2week trip to Les Deux Alpes, France in 2013. It was such a struggle to finish that second year at uni. Those last weeks of school and then the exams in June, ho-rrendous. This week I have the same struggle to be motivated and it's still on going. It made me think (again). I'd like to build a life for myself that I don't need to take a break from. I don't want to live from holiday to holiday. But I still have no clue how or what I can do to reach that and that is the most frustrating part of the whole situation. Would simply moving house in London do the trick? Or do I have to move back to Belgium? Or...? I have absolutely no clue.

As you might recall (if not, now you'll know as well ;)), once upon a time I said living in London was a dream come true. But over the past few weeks that dream has started slowly to turn into a reality. I'm waking up. The honeymoon stage is almost over. Which makes sense. I'm not surprised about that. And don't get me wrong. I still love London. The beautiful buildings, the red busses and phone cells, the parks, Costa Coffees, etc. Hell, even the crappy weather. But my living situation and my desire to have less stress is getting the upper hand. And my trip to Scotland did not exactly help to 'reload my batteries' as I'd hoped it would. On the contrary. I can't even find the energy to start looking again for a new room. And over the past few weeks I came a few times dangerously close to just giving up. And quitting is not in my nature, so when it comes this far, it means it's serious.

You can say I'm at a point where I'll make a decision that most likely will change my life. Whether it is moving house, finding out what I want in life or something else. But one thing you can count on: I won't quit blogging! I love this shit x)

If you have any tips or advise or tricks that you use when you have to make a decision or dealing with a difficult time in your life, please let me know. I'll be forever grateful.

Many thanks for reading this rather personal blog post. I'll promise the next post will be up to normal standards ;)
xo - Sara

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