4 September 2015

Donating blood and the recipe for a Nicholas Sparks movie


I'm back in my beloved London ^^ But boy I enjoyed every minute of my stay in Belgium too. The weather was insane, unlike the rain in the UK. I've chosen a good weekend to go on a little break ;)

Unlike that busy weekend in May, I tried to keep it calmer this time around. But that meant I wasn't able to see quite a few people...  I just couldn't handle the running around and trying to fit everyone in to a time sloth. That'll be for the next time I'll go back :)

So this weekend, Saturday mainly consisted of catching up with two friends. One friend from uni I hadn't seen since she came to visit me in February (!!! Local tourists: Madame Tussauds, Abbey Road, London Eye,...) and another friend who I know for over 10 years now. It's crazy how some people just stay in your life. We might not hear eachother every day or even every week. But everytime we meet up, it's like no day has past. Those are the friends to hold on to.

The most beautiful sunset from my oldest friend's garden

Sunday morning I met up with another friend who just moved house. It was a short visit, but I'm so happy that I saw the new place and it just makes me so happy to see how well my friends are doing. They're all making a life for themselves. It makes me so proud^^

Sunday afternoon I went golfing with my dad. Both my parents are golfers and it was a nice opportunity to actually see what they're always talking about. I'm not a golfer myself, so I was just the caddy for the day. A long day that was. We left home at 12.30pm and we weren't back till 11pm! I slept like a dead person that night. The weather was also very beautiful, but 30°C was a bit too hot x) Anyway, my legs were killing me, right till Wednesday oO You won't hear me say golf isn't a sport.

Dad in action

Tuesday morning I took the Eurostar back to London and I was back at the office around 1pm. From there it was the usual week :) Well, this week was a Nicholas Sparks movie week to be fair. I saw The Longest Ride on Monday and again on Tuesday and Wednesday. I also saw the Lucky One on Wednesday and Safe Haven on Thursday. The Notebook, Dear John, A Walk to Remember and the Last Song will be seen as well before Sunday evening x) Hey, what can I say? I'm a movie lover, the good, the bad and the inbetween.

If you like Nicholas Sparks movies, or not, please read this article on Kansas: the recipe for a Nicholas Sparks movie. It's hilariously true x) I cried with laughter.

One important thing I did this week was donating blood on Thursday during lunch time. I was quite a regular donor in Belgium and even during my Erasmus program in Amiens, France. Thursday however was the first time I did it in the UK. I've always wanted to donate blood, but you have to be over 18 in Belgium. The first chance I got I jumped at the opportunity and since then I try to donate blood at least twice a year. Of course, with me moving around in the past two years it wasn't really ideal to donate. Before you can donate you have to complete a form to see if you are eligible to give blood. Moving around a lot isn't favourable. But this week I had a look and sure enough, I was allowed to donate ^^

If you're over 18 and you don't faint at the sight of blood or a needle, please consider to donate some blood too. You might be a speck in the sea of all the other blood donors, but your blood might safe someone's life! It only takes about an hour and it does not hurt a bit :) If you're living in the UK, have a look at this website http://www.blood.co.uk/  . If you're up for it, register and find out the nearest facility to donate. If you are living in Belgium then Bloed Serious is the website to go to. I'm afraid I'm not really familiar with the blood donating in other countries, but I belief every hospital has a room where you can drop off some of your red fluids, so you might want do do some research :) And always keep your eyes open. There might be a pop up stand in a mall, school or shopping street where they're collecting blood. That's where I always went to when I was still living in Belgium.

Voila, on that serious note I'd like to end this week's blog post.

Thanks for reading!
xo - Sara

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