6 February 2016

Ooh the commitment. 1 question each day for 5 years.


Today's is a bit of a different post. Not to worry, mum and dad, the weekly post will go up tomorrow :) But today it's exactly 1year that I've started writing in the Q&A a day diary.

Each day you answer 1 question. It can go from: "Who do you count on?" and "Where do you see yourself in 5 years?" to "When is the last time you ate pizza?" and "What colors are you wearing?".

So each year you answer the same questions on the same days and after 5 years you can see how much your asnwers have changed over the years. If they've changed. Where you are in your life, where you were, how far you came, etc. You're never obliged to anwser a question so you decide what you write, how much you write, if you write, etc.

And I've been doing this for 1year now. 1 year down, 4 to go x) It is a commitment, but I'm hoping it'll be worth it. I'll be 27 when I'll answer the last question on February 5th in 2019. It'll be interesting to see how much I've changed :) And in perspective, it is just one question a day. Not that big of a commitment, really x)

You've got all sorts of variations on this diary: a Jane Austen version, One-Line-A-Day version, only for mums, etc. I've bought mine via Bol.com (which only ships to Belgium and Netherlands), but you can also find the diaries in your local bookshop, on Amazon, etc.

Weekly blog post will be on the blog tomorrow. (Tomorrow is only a day away).

Anyone else who is writing in the Q&A a day or any other version?

Thanks for reading!
xo - Sara

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