16 February 2016

Oh, I so pity the dude who pressures her into prom sex... - Deadpool


And so here it is. The long anticipated Deadpool movie. Roughly 11 years in the making and now, February 2016, it's finally available for us to enjoy. I went to see it openings weekend. Just like everybody else. I've never seen a movie theather so packed on a Sunday afternoon! Every single seat was taken. Which leads to a smashing box office result. (I do wonder: do they think about the ever increasing price of cinema tickets?)

Anyhow, just like every other movie, I have an opinion :)


Director: Tim Miller
Cast: Ryan Reynold, Ed Skrein, T.J. Miller, Morena Baccarin,...
Lenght: 1h 48min
Genre: Comedy, adventure, action

Quick introduction for anyone who has been living under a rock the past two years.

Wade Wilson is a, euh, rather bad ass guy. Not a superhero, but rather an asshole who beats bigger assholes. At one point, when everything seems to go smoothly for Wade, he's diagnosed with cancer. The aggressive kind, spread to his lungs, liver, prostate and brain. You know, the things you can live without. A rather mysterious, stereotype guy in a suit meets Wade and offers him a 'cure', which Wade eventually takes him up upon. First mistake. That is when he leaves Wade behind and becomes Deadpool. Captain Deadpool. No, no no no, just Deadpool. Yeah.

The basic storyline of a classic superhero movie (or mutant movie, as that is what Wade acutally is, a mutant) is very obviously here: good guy is in search of bad guy, but the motives are a bit different here. The bad guy, Ajax, is in fact Deadpool's creator, but also the douch bag who has deformed Wade's body to look like an avocado who had sex with an older avocado. Deadpool desperately wants his old handsome self back to get his girl back and he believes Ajax is the one guy who can help him. Not the regular motive of a superhero or mutant, hein?

Our main character gets some help from two X-men: Colossus and Negasonic Teenage Warhead. I know, I know, there are more X-men, we all know that, and so does Deadpool x) Yet we only see those two. Colossus really wants to convince Deadpool to become an X-men. Can you imagine Deadpool in the next X-men movie? x) Oh snap, he already did! Back in '09 in X-men origins: Wolverine.

The action is fast and slow at the same time. Multiple sexual references are made throughout the movie and the word 'fuck' is mentioned without any bleeping. It's R-rated for a reason and god I love it that they allow it here in the UK x) It wouldn't be Deadpool without the vulgar talk. Truly refreshing after Captain America ;) Although I was a bit scared regarding the blood: it's gory at times, but not so gory you can't watch it. If I can deal with it, anyone can.

Script is just bri-li-ant and the same goes for soundtrack and score. Nothing to comment on. Editing is quite interesting though. You meet Deadpool in the middle of the movie and then tells you his 'origin story' throughout the film with flashbacks. Very clever :) Oh and the opening scene really sets the tone for the rest of the film ;)

One tiny thing I do have to mention and which is a pity I think, is that they used all the jokes in the trailers and promotional stunts leading up to the release of the film. It's cool that you can almost tick off everything you see in a trailer (nothing is more anyone than expecting to see a scene from the trailer to discover they've cut it in the movie), but I didn't hear any new jokes, which I think would have made the film even better than it already is. That being said, that is the only issue I have. It's still super funny. Don't you worry ;)

Deadpool is Ryan Reynolds and Ryan Reynolds is Deadpool. I think we can leave the Green Lantern officially behind us. Ed Skrein is definitely someone I'm going to keep an eye on for future movies and I think we can expect cool stuff from Brianna Hildebrand as well.

20th Century Fox is the studio who's releasing the movie. Deapool stands now next to the X-men franchise and the Fantastic Four franchise, but is widely different from any of the mentioned. The biggest difference with this Marvel movie is: Deadpool freaking knows he is in a 'superhero' movie. He breaks the 4th wall! He makes references to the fact that James McAvoy and Patrick Stewart play the same roll but at different stages of the character's life. He also makes fun of 20th Century Fox for 'not having enough money to make another X-men movie' x) And, best of all in my opinion, he doesn't take himself too seriously. While I'm a huge fan of the MCU and I think there are many many funny moments in every single one of them, none of them are as I-just-don't-give-a-shit laid back as Deadpool. The guy uses his sense of humor to deal with difficult situations. He might look like a testicle with teeth, but that is even more reason to just not give a damn fuck.

And this is where I'll leave you :)

Oh, and make sure you don't leave the theatre before the end of the end credits, if you know what I mean ;)

As per usual: clips, trailer and interviews below.




I have to say, from a marketing point of view, they did a tremendous job ^^ And he's also raising awareness...

Who else contributed to the record smashing box office numbers? ^^

Thanks for reading!
xo - Sara

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