15 February 2016

Making a Murderer and stay-cation in Apsley: continued


What the actual hell? Where did week 6 go to? It seems to have disappeared so quickly! Must have been 'cause it's been quite busy. Well, the start of the week was not, but the last few days most definitely were!

So, as you might remember from last week's blog post, I'd moved temporarly to Apsley, Hertfordshire. One of my colleagues had to go to our L.A. office for nearly two weeks and we'd agreed that I would stay at her apartment for that periode of time. My main task was to keep her plant alive and of course make sure that everything was okay at the apartment. If you don't know, I'm still living in a house with about 7 other people. Eventhough it is very quiet at the moment (the loud people have been evicted) it's still not an ideal situation, unfortunately. So being able to stay over in an apartment all to myself is basically the dream. The past few weeks have been how I'd imagined my life would have been after I graduated nearly two years ago. Probably not as big or as beautiful, but at least a place to myself. I garantuee that I made the most of my week and a half stay :) Especially during the weekend...

I didn't leave the house on Saturday! Instead, I watched the Long Way Down, the sequel on the Long Way Round. It's a 10 episode series with each episode being 1hour. If I could get my drivers license A in 2016, that'd be pretty darn cool, if I may say so myself ^^

Sunday morning was a bit more productive. I actually left the apartment and made an hour long walk along side the canal. Isn't it just stunning?

Room with a view

The best days are the days when you have mud on your shoes

Besides that little morning walk, I also started watching the documentary Making a Murderer. Jesus H. Roosevelt Christ. Absolutely mind blowing! If you haven't heard about the documentary, it is the story about Steve Avery, lived in Manitowoc county, USA, and how he is being accussed of murder. I say 'accused' as Steve keeps telling us that he is innocent. Interesting fact here is: Steve was wrongfuly accused of rape in 1985. He served 18 years in prison before being released in 2003 thanks to a retest of a DNA sample which proved his innocence. He then demanded a sum of money from the county to make up for his lost years. 2 years later, Steve was arrested again for the murder on a young woman. His entire trial is just appalling. If you can, definitly check it out.

On Sunday I had also a record breaking Skype call with none other than Molly. 5hours. 5HOURS ^^

Then, besides watching Making a Murderer, my aunt and two cousins came to London on Wednesday and Thursday so of course we had to meet up to have some dinner. It was a new experience, but I really enjoyed it :) It was fun meeting them in London. When I got 'home' I had to start packing my bag and cleaning the apartment, as I had to leave Apsley Thursday morning :'(

Friday evening another friend came over for the weekend, but more on that in next week's blog post. It's been very busy lately. Can't wait for next weekend though. Nothing but cinema trips planned!

Has anyone else seen Making a Murderer? I need to talk about it!x)

Thanks for reading!
xo - Sara

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