31 August 2015

Mother Nature: 'No, you silly girl! Here's 30°C for you!'


Do you want to hear something really really really ironic? Remember in my last blog post (It's all about finding that morning routine or just scroll down x)) I was writing about the fact that I am ready for autumn and winter? Well, I posted the blog on Saturday 22nd.... And it was 30°C! Ugh. Karma I guess? I'm happy for it to rain and be cold and then Mother Nature says: 'No, you silly girl! Here's some 30°C for you'. Ah well, I didn't die, so I'll keep wearing those shorts and sandales I guess?

Anyway, that incredibly hot Saturday I went to Green Park to enjoy some reading in the comfortable  temperatures in the shades of the trees in the park. I bought myself some raspberries and some strawberries and a bottle of water of course and I just read for a couple of hours. Still reading Outlander. Unlike the previous books like The Falconer and the Doon series, Outlander is a bit more advanced and 3x as big. I'm a slow reader, I can't read 850pages in 1 week, let alone in a few days.

I also had a little visitor. This little guy saw that I was eating something and he (or she) was very curious so decided to come over and have a look. It's incredible how tame most squirrels are in the London parks. Not so tame you can actually pet them, but tame enough to come as close as within touching distance. I didn't even use a zoom on the picture below!

So that was my Saturday. Sunday consisted of watching YouTube videos and Downton Abbey. It was raining so I was thrilled! ^^ And than on Monday I had to go to work again. Thursday was National Burger day in the UK, so of course, we had to have a burger for lunch. It's been a while since the last time I had lunch with the colleagues, so that was a fun change in the normal pace of the week ^^ And I almost binge watched the fifth season of Downton Abbey. I can't wait for the 6th and final season this autumn!

Anyway, I'm currently in Belgium as it is bank holiday in the UK. Yes, I don't have to work this Monday (today!) so I decided to take the chance and come home for a couple of days. I'm not even sure when I'll be back home, so I'm enjoying every moment I have whilst I'm here ^^

That's it for this week!

Thanks for reading!

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