10 December 2014

Blogmas day 9, 2014: I finally got a Christmas tree!!!


So today was very exciting. I finally got a Christmas tree!! Well, a few really, but not all of them made the cut :)

As I am living in a shared house with no communal hang out area, it is not really that festive in the house. And a real christmas tree just would not fit into my room (nor am I prepared to clean up the mess) and buying a fake one is useless as I will move house in a couple of weeks... So, the only option was to get creative!

I have books, dvd's, tape, scissors and fairy lights at my disposal, so I started.

My very first attempt was to recreate something I saw on Weheartit. Of course I have no where near enough books to achieve that, so this is the end result of m first go... A no go.

Whilst I was working with the books, another idea popped into my head. Hardly anything new under the sun, but worth to give it a go...

As I was trying to take a picture of the 'tree' above, my eye fell on my dvd's. I have more dvd's than I have books here in UK, so why not try to recreate the book tree with dvd's? This is the end result and I am loving it. It is still standing in my room + is it a creative way to store your dvd's x)

And yes, that is a Costa mug on top of my 'tree'. I am taking #costachristmas to a whole new level x)

I am so happy my room is a bit more festive. Even if it is just a ini tiny bit :) I hope you are all as excited for christmas as I am! :)

Thanks for reading!
xo - Sara

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